Collège Montaigne

Collège – Angers

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Les élèves de 5ème (2020-2021) ont travaillé sur le thème « Sea adventures » et ils ont rédigé leur propre histoire à l’issue des diverses activités faites en classe et à la maison. Voici trois exemples de production écrite pour se faire plaisir et se remettre un peu dans le bain. Enjoy!



Story 1:

Once upon a time there was a village. In this village there was a little girl dressed in yellow. The inhabitants called her « Little Yellow Riding Hood ». She lived in a fisherman’s house with her parents. She had a grandfather, he was a fisherman and he lived on an island. One day, Little Yellow Riding Hood’s mom told her:

« Give this lemon juice and this banana pie to your grandpa. Watch out for the Big Bad Shark ! »

She took her little yellow boat built by her father. The water was transparent and quiet. A shark appeared.

« Where are you going to? » the shark said.

« I want to see my grandpa! He’s a fisherman and he lives on the next island! » the little girl explained.

« Is this the fisherman who is trying to catch me? » the shark asked.

To get revenge, the shark attacked Little Yellow Riding Hood’s boat and he swallowed her. The grandfather saw this happening. He took his fishing rod and caught the shark. He cut the shark’s belly and Little Yellow Riding Hood got out. They ate a delicious barbecued shark with chips and ketchup.

Aliona Le Picart

Story 2:

Once upon a time, there lived Foam. Foam was a young mermaid who lived with her sisters in the Pacific Ocean. She had long red hair and big green eyes. She had a human friend called Staya. Staya lived in Australia.

One day she wanted to introduce Staya to her sisters. But she saw them attacking Staya’s brother. And they tried to eat Staya.

To protect Staya’s brother, she transformed into a human and she hid him in her grandma’s home. But the sisters found this home and wanted to avenge Foam.

Finally, to save her friend Staya and herself, Foam cut their heads and she transformed into a human forever because she hated it when mermaids ate humans.

Bertille Astié Poitevin


Story 3:

Once upon a time there lived a young girl, her name was Kaya, she was curious and adventurous. Kaya was 15 and she had long and wavy dark hair, blue eyes and she was skinny. She was the Captain Pirate’s daughter, her father was very strong and courageous and her mother was dead.

Kaya wanted to go on her father’s boat but his father didn’t want because she was a girl and he wanted to protect his daughter. She asked her best friend for help and Chuck helped her (Chuck was easily scared).

One day, they managed to get on board and they immediately left for the ocean but suddenly a bog storm hit their boat and it broke down. Kaya and Chuck fell into the water, they fell at the bottom of the sea.

Then suddenly, Kaya transformed into a mermaid. She carried Chuck to the beach with the help of two other mermaids. Her father helped her and looked after Chuck. After that, the father of Kaya allowed them to sail again and Kaya became an incredible pirate mermaid.

Bertille Thomas